Hey there! Have you ever received a text or seen a chat where someone used the 🤤 drooling face emoji? And it left you thinking, what the heck does that mean? Well, fear no more, my fellow emoji enthusiasts! In this blog post, we’re going to unravel the mysterious meaning behind the drooling face emoji. From its usage by girls and guys to its sneaky appearances in texting, chat, Snapchat, and even TikTok, we’ll decode this deliciously perplexing emoji. So, let’s dig in and get to the bottom of it!

Here’s what we’ll cover:

🤤 drooling face emoji meaning

The 🤤 drooling face emoji means that something is absolutely delicious or enticing. This emoji is often used to express extreme craving for food or when something is exceptionally tasty.

1. Hunger and Craving

When we use the 🤤 drooling face emoji, it usually means that we are hungry and craving some scrumptious food. It represents our intense desire to indulge in something delectable, making our taste buds go wild.

  • “I can’t wait to get home and have that cheesy pizza! 🤤”
  • “Just saw a picture of a mouthwatering chocolate cake. Now I’m craving it 🤤”

2. Attraction and Desire

This emoji is also used to show attraction or desire for something or someone. It indicates that something is so appealing or attractive that it makes us weak in the knees or metaphorically drool over it.

  • “That new sports car is so amazing, I want it so bad! 🤤”
  • “Look at that adorable puppy! It’s too cute to handle 🤤”

3. Anticipation and Excitement

Additionally, the 🤤 drooling face emoji can denote anticipation and excitement. It signifies the build-up of eagerness or anticipation when we know we are about to experience something incredibly enjoyable or satisfying.

  • “Only a few more hours until the weekend, and I’ll finally get some rest! 🤤”
  • “Counting down the minutes until my vacation starts – the beach, sun, and relaxation! 🤤”

How do you reply to 🤤 drooling face emoji?

When someone uses the 🤤 drooling face emoji, you can reply by saying “That looks delicious! I’m drooling just thinking about it.” or “I’m craving that so bad, my mouth is watering!” or “Yum! That’s making me hungry.”

  • “Wow! That homemade pizza looks amazing! I’m drooling just thinking about those cheesy slices.”
  • “The smell of freshly baked cookies is overwhelming! I’m craving them so bad, my mouth is watering.”
  • “This juicy burger with all the toppings is making me hungry. Yum, it looks so appetizing!”

What does 🤤 drooling face emoji mean from a girl?

The 🤤 drooling face emoji from a girl means that she finds something incredibly delicious or appealing.

  • “OMG, that pizza looks so good, I’m drooling 🤤!”
  • “I can’t wait for the concert tonight, the lead singer is so hot 🤤!”
  • “That new fashion collection is to die for, I want all of it 🤤!”

Using this emoji, a girl expresses her deep desire or admiration for something that excites her. It can be used playfully to show enthusiasm or indulgence in mouth-watering food, attractive people, or even irresistible fashion items. This emoji helps convey the intensity of craving or appreciation in a light-hearted and humorous manner, making it a fun addition to conversations. So, if a girl sends you this emoji, consider it a tasty compliment or a sign that she’s excited about something yummy or drool-worthy!

What does 🤤 drooling face emoji mean from a guy or boy?

The 🤤 drooling face emoji from a guy or boy means that they find something extremely delicious or attractive. It is often used to express desire or excitement for food, savoring a meal, or finding someone attractive.

  • “When a guy sees a mouthwatering burger, he might respond with the 🤤 emoji to show how much he wants to devour it.”
  • “If a boy is crushing on a girl, he might use the 🤤 emoji to convey that he finds her incredibly attractive.”
  • “Imagine watching a football game and your team scores a touchdown, you might use the 🤤 emoji to express your satisfaction and excitement.”

Just like actual drooling, this emoji conveys a sense of anticipation and longing. It can be used playfully or flirtatiously, showing someone’s enthusiasm or appreciation for something they desire. It’s a light-hearted way for guys or boys to express their cravings or be captivated by something truly appealing. So, if you receive a message with the 🤤 emoji, you can take it as a compliment or an indicator of someone’s genuine excitement or hunger.

What does 🤤 drooling face emoji mean on Snapchat?

The 🤤 drooling face emoji on Snapchat means that something is extremely delicious or appealing. It is used to express intense desire or excitement for food or attractive people.

  • “I just had the best pizza ever 🤤”
  • “Check out this gorgeous sunset 🤤”
  • “That new movie looks so good, can’t wait to see it 🤤”

What does 🤤 drooling face mean in Texting or Chat?

The 🤤 drooling face emoji in Texting or Chat means that something is incredibly delicious or attractive. When you send this emoji on WhatsApp or Twitter, it’s like saying “That pizza looks so good, I’m drooling! 🤤” or “I can’t wait to eat that mouth-watering dessert! 🤤”. It’s a fun way to express your excitement and cravings in the digital world.

What does 🤤 drooling face emoji mean on Instagram?

The 🤤 drooling face emoji on Instagram means that something is extremely delicious or enticing. It is often used to express one’s strong desire for food, attractive people, or appealing experiences.

  • “Just had the best pizza ever 🤤”
  • “This dessert looks heavenly 🤤”
  • “Can’t wait to try this amazing recipe 🤤”
  • “That vacation spot is pure paradise 🤤”

What does 🤤 drooling face emoji mean on TikTok?

The 🤤 drooling face emoji on TikTok means that something is incredibly tempting or delicious. It conveys a strong desire or craving for something desirable.

  • “When you see a plate of your favorite food that looks absolutely mouthwatering 🤤”
  • “Watching a TikTok video of a cute puppy doing adorable tricks 🤤”
  • “Seeing your crush walk by looking amazing in their outfit 🤤”

What does 🤤 drooling face emoji mean in slang?

The 🤤 drooling face emoji in slang means that something is incredibly delicious or appealing. It is often used to express extreme craving or desire for food, but can also be used more broadly to indicate desire for anything pleasurable or exciting.

  • “This pizza is amazing, 🤤!”
  • “I can’t wait to see him tonight, 🤤.”
  • “That new car is so cool, 🤤.”

Cultural differences in 🤤 emoji interpretation

Cultural differences in the interpretation of the 🤤 drooling face emoji can be quite amusing, with some countries seeing it as a symbol of hunger or delicious food, while others may interpret it as a sign of attractiveness or desire.

  • “In the United States, 🤤 means you’re hungry for a juicy burger, but in Italy, it might mean you find someone incredibly attractive – now that’s amore!”

  • “While Brazilians might see 🤤 as a representation of their love for brigadeiros, Koreans may view it as a sign of spicy kimchi-induced drooling.”

  • “In Japan, the 🤤 emoji might be a reaction to seeing a platter of fresh sushi, while in France, it could be an indication of being captivated by a mouth-watering macaron.”

Emoji etiquettes

When using the 🤤 drooling face emoji, it is important to ensure it is appropriate for the context and doesn’t offend or make others uncomfortable. Remember, it’s all about expressing hunger or desire with a touch of humor.

  • “Can’t wait to dig into that juicy burger! 🤤”
  • “This slice of pizza is so tempting, it’s making me drool! 🤤”
  • “Looking at all those mouthwatering desserts, 🤤 I might need to hit the gym twice today!”

Possible combination

Possible emoji combinations that go with 🤤 drooling face emoji:

  • “🍔🤤” – drooling face emoji combined with a delicious burger emoji, because who can resist a mouthwatering burger?
  • “🍕🤤” – the drooling face emoji alongside a mouthwatering slice of pizza emoji, because everyone loves a cheesy, greasy slice.
  • “🍦🤤” – combining the drooling face emoji with an ice cream emoji, because nothing screams temptation more than a creamy scoop of ice cream.
  • “🌮🤤” – the drooling face emoji paired with a tasty taco emoji, because tacos are the epitome of flavor-packed goodness.

Misinterpretations to avoid

“When someone sends you the drooling face emoji, don’t assume they’re hungry, they could just be admiring something amazing!”

  • “Wow, that burger looks so good! 🤤”
  • “This movie is so hilarious! 🤤”
  • “I can’t wait for the concert tonight! 🤤”
  • “That new car is absolutely stunning! 🤤”
  • “The sight of pizza always makes me drool! 🤤”

Wrap up

So there you have it, folks, the scoop on the 🤤 drooling face emoji meaning! Whether you’re a👧Girl or a👦Guy, this emoji is all about expressing your hunger or desire for something irresistibly tasty. It’s the perfect addition to your texts, chats, or maybe even a sly Snapchat or TikTok. Just remember, it’s all fun and games until you actually start drooling in real life. Happy texting and remember to keep your keyboard drool-free!


https://www.unicode.org/emoji/charts/emoji-list.html https://emojipedia.org/

More Emojis to Explore!

😀, 😃, 😄, 😁, 😆, 😅, 🤣, 😂, 🙂, 🙃, 🫠, 😉, 😊, 😇, 🥰, 😍, 🤩, 😘, 😗, , 😚, 😙, 🥲, 😋, 😛, 😜, 🤪, 😝, 🤑, 🤗, 🤭, 🫢, 🫣, 🤫, 🤔, 🫡, 🤐, 🤨, 😐, 😑, 😶, 🫥, 😶‍🌫️, 😏, 😒, 🙄, 😬, 😮‍💨, 🤥, 🫨, 😌, 😔, 😪, 🤤, 😴, 😷, 🤒, 🤕, 🤢, 🤮, 🤧, 🥵, 🥶, 🥴, 😵, 😵‍💫, 🤯, 🤠, 🥳, 🥸, 😎, 🤓, 🧐, 😕, 🫤, 😟, 🙁, , 😮, 😯, 😲, 😳, 🥺, 🥹, 😦, 😧, 😨, 😰, 😥, 😢, 😭, 😱, 😖, 😣, 😞, 😓, 😩, 😫, 🥱, 😤, 😡, 😠, 🤬, 😈, 👿, 💀, , 💩, 🤡, 👹, 👺, 👻, 👽, 👾, 🤖, 😺, 😸, 😹, 😻, 😼, 😽, 🙀, 😿, 😾, 🙈, 🙉, 🙊, 💌, 💘, 💝, 💖, 💗, 💓, 💞, 💕, 💟, , 💔, ❤️‍🔥, ❤️‍🩹, , 🩷, 🧡, 💛, 💚, 💙, 🩵, 💜, 🤎, 🖤, 🩶, 🤍, 💋, 💯, 💢, 💥, 💫, 💦, 💨, 🕳, 💬, 👁️‍🗨️, 🗨, 🗯, 💭, 💤